February 22, 2025

Smarter Companies – A Reliable Bet For an Equity Investor


IT has revolutionized the world since its inception. The advent of smart and better products, from thermostats to tech shirts, has boosted the economies, as the companies are constantly thriving for better products. As an investor, these companies, by easing everyday’s life of a consumer (as per the demand), could be a safe bet. Moreover, the ‘Internet of Things’ has reshaped almost everything, from value chain, marketing, manufacturing to product design and after sale services. It has also unleashed new verticals as well like big data analytics. Hence, as an equity investor, you should be looking for companies that are chipping into the competition every now and then by pushing their boundaries with continuous innovation and product improvement. This has also increased the number of customers who are willing to pay the premium for these enhanced products that will drive the stock prices for these companies ufabet.

Over the past few years, we are used to the connectivity of our smartphones, laptops and tablets. So what is next? I believe, it’s the connectivity of everything, from fitness products like pacemakers to cameras and sensors. So the question is, with this kind pace in technological change, how I can evaluate a company. Let me go back and bifurcate the value chain for this.

The Internet of Things industry can be bifurcated into:

Infrastructure and Network Providers
Infrastructure and Network Providers

Since the beginning of technological innovation, companies that provides basic infrastructure are gaining. To site an example, during the advent of telecom, the companies that use to the basic infrastructure like optical fiber cables were the major beneficiaries. Similarly, companies that manufacture sensors, network components, processing chips and others are destined to make profit in the near future. In addition to that, software companies who provide enhanced tools for product development are also the one to watch out for. One can see the changing dynamics of this industry by number of mergers and acquisitions happening off lately.